Guest blogs with evidence-based guidance and practical tips drawn from Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships: What Works and What Doesn’t.
Helping Stepkids to Thrive
For many children, the adjustment to a stepfamily is actually bigger than dealing their parents’ divorce. Dr. Papernow offers evidence-based suggestions for supporting kids in this major transition. – Guest blog on a terrific web site for parents of young kids,
Avoiding the (All Too Easy) “Wrong Turns” in “Blended Families”
Several decades of research and clinical practice have given us a wealth of evidence-based, practical information about what works to create strong stepfamilies, and what doesn’t. Here are two “easy wrong turns” that I often see. – Guest blog
Steps to Ease Dinner Stress for Stepfamilies
Some of the most intense challenges for stepfamilies unfold at the dinner table. –
6 Tips for Holidays in Stepfamilies
Holidays can be intense for all families. They can be especially so in stepfamilies. – Guest blog for
Balancing Partners and Kids: Tips for Recoupling Dads
Dads in a stepfamily struggle with at least two different, often conflicting, responsibilities: Children need attention and love. Partners want to feel special and cared about. The guideline is “both/and” not “either/or.” – Guest blog for The Good Men Project
Parenting for “Blended Families”: Tips for Recoupling Dads
Stepfamilies can be great places for kids. But what works is very different from what works in a first-time family! Click here for research-informed guidance about what works. – Guest blog for The Good Men Project
Advice for Stepmom Brides-to-Be
A quarter of all new marriages form stepfamilies. Guidance to help brides navigate the challenges of becoming a stepmom. – from Bridal Guide magazine