Papernow, P.L. (2023). Stepfamily couples. J. L. Lebow and D. K. Snyder (Eds.), Clinical handbook of couple therapy, sixth edition (pp. 492-511). New York: Guilford.
Papernow, P.L. (2022). Werken met samengestelde gezinnen. Mythes, valkuilen, tips en interventies. (B. Lavrysen & P. Rober, Trans.). Brussels, Belgium: Pelckmans Kalmhout. (Dutch translation of Surviving and Thriving in Stepfamily Relationships)
Jones, W., Papernow, P., Browning, S., Kenney, K., & Kenney, M. (2022). Couple instability: Fragile families, stepfamilies, families with a child on the autism spectrum, and multiracial families (clinical applications). In S. Browning & B. van Eeden-Moorefield (Eds.), Treating contemporary families: Toward a more inclusive clinical practice. American Psychological Association.
Papernow, P.L. (2021). Helping queer stepfamilies meet their challenges. In M. Murphy & R. Harvey(Eds.). Handbook of LGBTQ-affirmative couple and family therapy (2nd edition). New York: Routledge.
Papernow, P.L. (2019). Ask the experts: A baker’s dozen tips for parenting, stepparenting, and discipline in stepfamilies. Association of Family and Conciliation Courts eNews, 14(6).
Papernow, P.L. (2018). Therapy with clients in stepfamily relationships: What individual, couple, child, and family therapists need to know. Family Process, 57(1), 25-51. doi: 10.1111/famp.12321 . Dutch translation: Klinische richtlijnen voor therapie met samengestelde gezinnen: wat therapeuten moeten weten doi: 10.1007/s12440-019-0090-3
Papernow, P.L. (2018). Recoupling in mid-life and beyond: From love at last to not so fast. Family Process, 57(1), 52-69. doi: 10.1111/famp12315 Translated into Spanish.
Papernow, P,L, (2017). Blended families. Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy.
NY: Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_471-1
Papernow, P.L. (2017). Therapy with stepfamilies. In S. Browning & M. Accordini (Eds.). Famiglie ricomposte: approcci clinici ed evidenze di ricerca (Stepfamilies:Clinical approaches and research evidence. Monica Accordini, Trans.). Milan, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
Papernow, P.L. (2017). The remarriage triangle: Working with later-life recouplers and their grown children. Psychotherapy Networker, January/February 2016, pp. 49-53.
Papernow, P.L. (2016). Empathic joining. In G.R. Weeks, S.T. Fife, & C.M. Peterson (Eds.) Techniques for the couple therapist: Essential interventions from the experts (pp. 137-141). New York: Routledge.
Papernow, P.L. (2016). Helping partners deal with the corrosive power of stepfamilies. Psychotherapy Networker Week in Review, July 11, 2016. VIDEO: The Biggest Threat to Remarried Boomers
Papernow, P.L. (2016). Soft/Hard/Soft communication. In G.R. Weeks, S.T. Fife, & C.M. Peterson (Eds.), Techniques for the couple therapist: Essential interventions from the experts (pp. 69-72). New York: Routledge.
Papernow, P.L. (2016). The remarriage triangle: Working with later-life recouplers and their grown children. Psychotherapy Networker, January/February 2016, pp. 49-53.
Papernow, P.L. (2016). Soft/hard/soft communication. In G.R. Weeks, S.T. Fife, & C.M.Peterson (Eds.), Techniques for the couple therapist: Essential interventions from the experts. New York: Routledge.
Papernow, P.L. (2015). Suteppu famiri wo ikani iki, hagukumuka: Umakuikukotoikanaikoto. [Surviving and thriving in stepfamily relationships: What works and what doesn’t.] (S. Nakamura, M Ohnishi, & Y. Yoshikawa, Translators). Tokyo: Kongo Shuppan.
Papernow, P.L. (2016). Suteppufamuli tokuyuu no rinshoute kikadai: Rinshouka ga shitteokubekikoto [The unique clinical issues of stepfamilies: What therapists need to know] ( M. Onishi, Trans.). Kazokuryouhou Kenkyu [Japanese Journal of Family Therapy] 33(2), 184-188.
Papernow, P.L. (2016). Therapy with stepfamilies. In S. Browning & M. Accordini (Eds.). Famiglie ricomposte: approcci clinici ed evidenze diricerca (Stepfamilies:Clinical approaches and research evidence. Monica Accordini, Trans.). Milan, Italy: FrancoAngeli.
Papernow, P.L. (2015). Introduction to the Japanese translation: What is similar and what is different about Japanese stepfamilies? In Surviving and thriving in stepfamily relationships: What works and what doesn’t. S. Nakamura, M. Ohnishi, & Y. Yoshikawa (Translators). Tokyo: Kongo Shuppan, (pp. iii-ix).
Papernow, P.L. (2015). Therapy with couples in stepfamilies. In A. Gurman, J. Lebow and D. Snyder (Eds.), Clinical handbook of couple therapy, fifth edition (pp. 467-488). New York: Guilford.
Papernow, P.L. (2015). Uncoupling and recoupling over 50 in The Dilemmas of Divorce Series, Networker Symposium Webcast
Papernow, P.L. (March, 2014). Providing evidence-based help to stepfamilies. Brown University Child and Behavior Letter, 30(3), ISSN 1058-1073. Online ISSN 1556-7575
Papernow, P.L. (2013).Surviving and thriving in stepfamily relationships: What works and what woesn’t. New York: Routledge. [Translated into Japanese and Dutch and soon, Russian and Hebrew.]
Papernow, P.L. (2012). Meeting the 5 challenges of becoming a stepfamily. On-Line Clinical Training Module 3. National Stepfamily Resource Center.
Papernow, P.L. (2012). Helping children in stepfamilies to thrive. On-Line Clinical Training Module 8. National Stepfamily Resource Center.
Papernow, P.L. (2008). A clinician’s view of “stepfamily architecture.” In J. Pryor (Ed.), The international handbook of stepfamilies: Policy and practice in legal, research, and clinical environments (pp. 423-454). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.
Papernow, P. L. (2008). Therapy for people who live in stepfamilies. In Clinical updates for family therapists: Research and treatment approaches for issues affecting today’s families, Volume 3 (pp. 107-122). Alexandria, VA: American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
Papernow, P.L. (2006). Clinical update: Therapy for people who live in stepfamilies. Family Therapy Magazine, 5(3), 34- 42.
Papernow, P.L. (2002). Post-divorce parenting: A Baker’s dozen of suggestions for protecting the family. Family Mediation Quarterly, 1(2), 6-10.
Papernow, P.L. (1995). What’s going on here? Separating (and weaving together) step and clinical issues in remarried families. In D. K. Huntley (Ed.), Understanding stepfamilies: Implications for assessment and treatment (pp. 3-24). Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.
Papernow, P.L. (1994). Gestalt therapy with remarried couples. In P.Backman and G. Wheeler (Eds.), On Intimate ground: A gestalt approach to working with couples (pp.128-165). New York: Jossey-Bass
Papernow, P.L. (1993). Becoming a stepfamily: Patterns of development in remarried families. New York: Taylor & Francis.
Papernow, P.L. (1993). La Therapie gestaltiste avec des families reconstituees. Gestalt: Revue de la Societe Francaise de Gestalt. Families en Gestalt-therapie, numero 4, Automne.
Papernow, P.L. (1988) From Outsider to Intimate: Stepparent role development: In W. Beer (Ed.), Relative strangers: Studies of stepfamily processes (pp. 54-82). Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Littlefield.
Papernow, P.L. (1987). Thickening the “middle ground”: Dilemmas and vulnerabilities of remarried couples. Psychotherapy, 24(3S), 630-639.
Papernow, P.L. (1984). The stepfamily cycle: An experiential model of stepfamily development. Family Relations, 33(3), 355-363.
Wagner, A., Papernow, P.L., Methikalam, B., & Peightal, B. (2022). Co-Parenting: A Focus on divorced families, stepfamilies, intergenerational families, and families with a child on the autism spectrum. In S. Browning & B. van Eeden-Moorefield (Eds.), Treating contemporary families: Toward a more inclusive clinical practice. American Psychological Association.